
A Note from Our Team About GDPR

By April 30, 2018 No Comments

No, this isn’t another note going on about how we’ve all done our GDPR training and how you should, too. That’s because passive metering has always been the reliable option for understanding digital behaviour.

From the moment a panellist downloads our RealityMeter app, they know exactly what we are collecting and the purpose for which we are collecting it — and they give us their express permission to do so. It’s this transparent nature of our business that allows panellists to have trust in us, and in the ways we protect and use their data.

Adapting for GDPR’s arrival on the 25th May has been easy for us. Not only is passive metering through RealityMine the best way to track web, app and streaming media consumption of individuals in granular detail across mobile and desktop devices; it’s now the safest, too.

Are you ready to give passive metering a try? Email us today and we can discuss some pilot study options.

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Your friends at RealityMine