Advertising InsightsConsumer Behavior ResearchPath to Purchase

How can Advertisers Best Reach the Holiday Planner?

By June 13, 2014 No Comments

Qualitative Insight into Travel (6)

How Can Advertisers Best Reach the Holiday Planner?

RealityMine has been getting in the summer spirit this week and in keeping with this we have decided to investigate the way that people use technology to book their summer vacations. For this insight we have used both USA TouchPoints e-diary data and passive mobile metering data to look at holiday planning both qualitatively and quantitatively.

What did we find?

Through USA TouchPoints half hourly e-diary tool, we have identified that the key time for travel related advertising is 7 in the evening. This is the time that most panellist thought about purchasing a holiday and would therefore be the most effective time to target this audience.

We have also learnt that more people browse holidays via their computers on a Monday than on any other day – 85% of this travel planning browsing happened in the workplace. So advertising placed on travel sites gains the highest reach after the weekend, when back to work blues are setting in!

Travel apps are launched a greater number of times on Saturdays than on any other days of the week. This could be an indicator that when people are relaxed over the weekend, spending time with family and friends travel planning is made easy through the use of mobile apps.

Our qualitative insight into holiday planning via mobile devices has indicated that planning a vacation can take anything between a few days to a week. During the time that it takes for people to plan, research and book their holiday advertisers have a window of opportunity to engage with their target audience via their mobile devices.

This analysis is based on data collected from the 282 panellists from USA between March 14th and March 27th 2014. RealityMine used USA TouchPoints e-diary tool and passive mobile monitoring to capture device use and behavior.