4th of July (1)The fourth of July is undoubtedly one of the most significant national holidays in the US calendar, marking America’s independence from Great Britain in 1776.

Here at RealityMine, we have decided to join in with the celebrations of our neighbours across the pond by delving into our data to uncover the behaviour of the typical American on this revolutionary day.

RealityMine’s powerful analytics engine enables our analysts to study the terms that thousands of our American panellists type into search engines via their mobile devices. For this insight, we have focussed only on search terms relating to July 4th that were recorded between June 30th and July 4th. A key finding of this analysis was the sheer volume of Americans who used search engines to access information about 4th of July events – firework shows, parades, festivals barbecues – our panellists were raring to find out about the most exciting ways to celebrate the day both locally and out of state.

With the aim of gaining a more holistic yet granular view of the typical American’s Fourth of July festivities, RealityMine experts combined data captured via USA TouchPoints e-survey and our passive mobile metering tool, giving our readers an unprecedented insight into the behavior of a typical Independence Day reveller. Our analysis can be seen in the 4th of July insights infographic on this page – we can see that this individual spent the majority of the day with family, children and friends; eating, socialising and relaxing. The insight emphasises the cultural and social significance of the holiday – just like traditional religious celebrations, the Fourth of July is a time for Americans to reflect on their blessings with their nearest and dearest.


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